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Chefchouen, the Blue Pearl

For our first out-of-Rabat experience, our group headed to Chefchouen (The Blue Pearl) and then to Tangier. The 18 of us, including Kelly, traveled by chartered bus first inland and north to Chefchouen, where I thought I was experiencing the hottest place in the world. The French were right, blue truly is the warmest color (excuse the reference)!

Here in Morocco, mountains don't mean cold during the summer, they mean closer to the sun.

Here's the view from the drive in:

When we got a second to explore, Molly and I left the hotel to walk around. Everything in the city is blue, except the Masjid at the town's center.

Blue everywhere! Apparently they repaint it every through years, on a town holiday where the sole purpose of everyone is to repaint the buildings.

More Moroccan tile.

Not only was it hot, but the town was so hilly, especially compared to costal Rabat, so we definitely got some exercise in.

Our hotels are starting off with a loud Bang! Molly and mine was orange themed, but I think this one is the roof of... Grace and Rimsha's? Maybe?

We've had the most hilarious tour guides take us on walking tours of the cities so far. Here in Chefchouen, we asked our guide when the next mayoral election was, and urged him to run. He seemed to know everyone in town.

The lighting at our hotel:

I'm so pleaded I got to see this beautiful little town. I want to bring my mom, because blue is her favorite color!

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